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How Many Carbs Should You Eat A Day?

The big question: How many carbs should you eat a day?

The answer depends on factors such as age, gender, weight, activity level, and personal health.

However, it’s generally accepted that you should aim for 45-65% of your daily caloric intake from carbohydrates, adjusting as needed for specific goals like muscle growth or weight loss.

Understanding Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are one of the three primary macronutrients, along with protein and fat.

They provide energy to the body, supporting essential functions such as brain activity, muscle movement, and maintaining a healthy metabolism.

Carbs can be classified based on their Glycemic Index (GI) into low, medium, and high GI carbs, which can have different effects on blood sugar levels in the body.

It’s crucial to consume a balanced mix of carbohydrates to maintain overall health.

Role of Carbohydrates in the Body

Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. They break down into glucose, which is then used to fuel various bodily functions.

Additionally, carbs provide essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, promoting good gut health and aiding digestion.

Glycemic Index and Types of Carbohydrates

The Glycemic Index (GI) is a ranking system that measures how quickly a carbohydrate-containing food raises blood sugar levels.

Low-GI carbs are slowly digested and absorbed, causing a gradual rise in blood sugar levels, while high-GI carbs are quickly digested and absorbed, leading to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.

Carbs can be categorized as:

1. Low-GI carbs: Examples include whole grains, legumes, and non-starchy vegetables. These carbs provide sustained energy and help maintain stable blood sugar levels. These should make up the bulk of your carb intake.

2. Medium-GI carbs: Examples include whole wheat bread, brown rice, and some fruits. These carbs provide a moderate increase in blood sugar levels.

3. High-GI carbs: Examples include white bread, sugary cereals, and pastries. These carbs can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels and should be consumed in moderation.

Daily Carb Intake Recommendations

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 [1] recommends that carbs make up 45-65% of total daily caloric intake for adults.

This percentage can vary based on factors such as age, sex, and activity level. For instance, a sedentary adult may require fewer carbs than an active individual.

Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range

The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) provides guidelines for the proportion of carbs, protein, and fat in a balanced diet.

According to the AMDR, adults should consume 45-65% of their daily calories from carbohydrates, 10-35% from protein, and 20-35% from fat [2].

Tailoring Carb Intake for Specific Goals

Your daily carb intake should align with your unique goals and circumstances. Here are some guidelines for different scenarios:

Lose Weight

Reducing carb intake while maintaining a balanced diet can contribute to weight loss.

Focus on consuming nutrient-dense, low-GI carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to keep you full while reducing overall calorie consumption.

Gain Muscle

For muscle growth and building new muscle, increase your carb intake to fuel workouts and support muscle recovery.

Carbs are essential for replenishing glycogen stores in your muscles, which become depleted during intense exercise.

Consuming a mix of low and medium-GI carbs will provide sustained energy for workouts and prevent excessive blood sugar spikes.

Avoid Type 2 Diabetes & Manage Prediabetes

Managing your carb intake is crucial for individuals with prediabetes or at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Prioritize low-GI carbs to help regulate blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and support overall health.

Calculating Your Daily Carb Intake

To determine your daily carb intake, follow these steps:

1. Calculate your total daily calorie needs based on your age, sex, weight, and activity level. (This can be done through our very own macro calculator!)

2. Determine the percentage of your daily calories you want to derive from carbs (45-65% for adults, possibly higher or lower depending on your goals and activity level).

3. Multiply your total daily calories by the chosen percentage.

4. Divide the result by 4 (since there are 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate).

For example, if you need 2,000 calories a day and want to get 50% of your calories from carbs:

2,000 calories * 0.5 = 1,000 calories from carbs

1,000 calories / 4 = 250 grams of carbs per day

Carb Intake for Men and Women

While the basic guidelines for carbohydrate intake apply to both men and women, there are some differences to consider:


Men generally require more calories and carbohydrates than women due to their larger muscle mass and higher basal metabolic rate.

This means that men may need to consume more carbs than women to meet their daily energy needs and support their fitness goals.


Women may have different carb requirements during various life stages, such as pregnancy or menopause.

However, generally speaking, women demand a lower level of carbohydrate due to lower overall muscle mass and therefore a lower metabolic rate.

Final Thoughts

Determining the optimal daily carb intake depends on various factors, including age, gender, weight, activity level, and personal health.

By tailoring your carbohydrate consumption to your unique needs and goals, you can support overall health, muscle growth, and weight loss while minimizing the risk of developing health issues such as type 2 diabetes.


[1] U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. 9th Edition. December 2020. Available at:

[2] Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids. 2005. Available at:

[3] Jenkins DJA, Kendall CWC, Augustin LSA, et al. Glycemic index: overview of implications in health and disease. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002;76(1):266S-73S. Available at:

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