Build Muscle.
Lose Weight.
Feel Great.

Calculate your macro and calorie targets, generate a meal plan you'll love, and level-up with structured workout plans.

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See how it works

Macro Calculator

Calculate Your Macros and Calories

We focus on what is scientifically proven to deliver results.

Whether you're on a journey to lose weight, gain muscle, or maintain your physique, calculating your macros and calorie targets is your first step towards success.

Our Macro Calculator is designed to give you the most accurate, personalized nutritional targets to help you meet your health and fitness goals. 

Try it below for free, or Get Started right now!

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Macro Calculator

Calculate Your Personalized Macros

These are your current diet settings.

My height:
ft & in / cm
My weight:
lbs / kg
Body fat:

help How Did You Calculate My Macros?

Calorie Intake for Weight Loss

To calculate the calorie intake necessary for weight loss, we start by estimating your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) using the Mifflin-St Jeor research equation. This provides a baseline for the number of calories your body needs at rest. We then multiply your RMR by a Physical Activity Level (PAL) coefficient to approximate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), which accounts for the calories burned through all daily activities. To promote efficient fat loss, we apply a 25% calorie deficit to this value. If the calculated value seems inaccurate, please review your personal details or consider selecting a different physical activity level.

Protein Intake for Weight Loss

To optimize protein intake for weight loss, we recommend consuming 1.8-2.4 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body mass. This method is more precise than calculating protein as a percentage of total calories. For maximum benefit from a high-protein diet, it is essential to engage in workouts that challenge your muscles. Remember, physical activity is crucial to achieving the desired results from your protein intake.

Carb Intake for Weight Loss

When determining carbohydrate intake for weight loss, we set the minimum value at 35% and the maximum at 65% of total calories. The upper limit of 65% is widely recognized as suitable for carbohydrate intake. We slightly lower the minimum value to accommodate specific meal plans that may require higher protein levels. This balance helps in creating an effective and flexible diet plan tailored to individual needs.

Fat Intake for Weight Loss

For effective weight loss, fat intake should be between 20% and 40% of total calories. The minimum of 20% is widely accepted as essential for a balanced diet, while the upper limit of 40% is commonly found in the Mediterranean Diet, which our ingredient list is based upon. This range helps ensure that you receive adequate fats necessary for overall health while supporting your weight loss goals.

Calculating Calorie Intake

Calculating your calorie intake involves first estimating your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) using the Mifflin-St Jeor research equation. This equation helps determine the number of calories your body requires at rest. We then use your Physical Activity Level (PAL) to multiply the RMR, giving us an approximation of your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). This method ensures that your caloric needs are tailored to your activity levels. Should the resulting value seem incorrect, please recheck your details or adjust the physical activity level accordingly.

Calculating Protein Intake

When calculating your protein intake, aim for 1.8-2.4 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body mass. This approach provides a more accurate measurement than using a percentage of total calories. To fully benefit from a high-protein diet, make sure to incorporate workouts that challenge your muscles into your routine. Regular exercise is key to maximizing the effectiveness of your protein consumption.

Calculating Carb Intake

Carbohydrate intake should range between 45% and 65% of total calories. The 65% maximum is a well-accepted upper limit for carbohydrate consumption. We have adjusted the minimum value to 35% to allow for higher protein meal plans if necessary. This range ensures that your diet remains balanced and adaptable to your specific nutritional requirements.

Calculating Fat Intake

Fat intake should range from 20% to 40% of total calories. The minimum level of 20% is essential for a healthy diet, while the upper limit of 40% aligns with the Mediterranean Diet, which is the basis for our ingredient list. This range ensures that your diet includes sufficient healthy fats necessary for overall well-being.

Calorie Intake to Build Muscle

For those looking to build muscle, we begin by estimating your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) through the Mifflin-St Jeor research equation. This figure is then multiplied by your Physical Activity Level (PAL) to estimate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), reflecting your overall daily caloric needs. To support muscle growth while minimizing fat gain, we add a 15% calorie surplus to your TDEE. If this calculated intake does not seem right, please review your details or consider choosing a different physical activity level.

Protein Intake to Build Muscle

For muscle building, a protein intake of 1.8-2.4 grams per kilogram of lean body mass is recommended. This calculation is more accurate than using a percentage of total calories. To ensure the best results from a high-protein diet, it is important to perform muscle-challenging workouts consistently. Exercise is essential to harness the full potential of your protein intake in promoting muscle growth.

Carb Intake to Build Muscle

For muscle building, carbohydrates should constitute between 45% and 65% of total calories. The upper limit of 65% is widely acknowledged as appropriate for carbohydrate intake. We have slightly lowered the minimum value to 35% to allow flexibility for higher protein needs. This approach ensures that your diet supports muscle growth while remaining adaptable to your dietary preferences and goals.

Fat Intake to Build Muscle

When building muscle, fat intake should constitute 20% to 40% of total calories. The minimum 20% is recognized as necessary for maintaining a balanced diet, while the 40% maximum is commonly associated with the Mediterranean Diet. This range provides adequate fats needed for overall health and supports muscle-building efforts effectively.

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Macro Meal Planner

Your Automatic Meal Planner

Say goodbye to the guesswork of what to eat to hit your macros.

Our Macro Meal Planner automatically provides you with endless personalized diet meal plans that cater to your requirements.

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Personalized macro meal planner interface

Automatic & Custom Plans

Create weekly or monthly meal plans automatically based on your macro targets, or customize your diet by entering your own macros. Our planner adapts to your needs, offering flexibility and control over your diet.

Diverse Diet Options

From keto to Mediterranean, high protein, gluten-free, and everything in between, our meal planner supports a wide range of diet preferences, ensuring there's always something for everyone.

Macro Counter & Calculator

Seamlessly integrated with our Macro Calculator, the meal planner takes your calculated macros or the ones you've entered manually, and crafts meal plans that make meeting your goals effortless.


Weekly Meal Planner & Calendar

Visualize your diet plan with a weekly meal planner and calendar, making it easy to stay on track. Swap, copy, and save your favorite meals, turning each day into a step closer to your goal.

Automated Grocery List

All ingredients from your meal plans are automatically added to your shopping list. Plus, add items you already have in your virtual pantry to streamline your grocery shopping.

Downloadable/Printable Plans

For those who love meal prepping or prefer a tangible copy of their plan, our meal planner allows you to download your weekly or monthly plan to a printable PDF in just one click.

Access a wide range of macro-friendly recipes that fit into your customized diet plan. Each recipe is designed to be delicious, healthy, and easy to prepare. No more sacrificing flavor for fitness. 
Sweet Power Pistachio

Sweet Power Pistachio!

Hearty Black Bean Breakfast Omelet

Hearty Black Bean Breakfast Omelet

Baked Lemony Cod with Garlic Sweet Potatoes

Baked Lemony Cod with Garlic Sweet Potatoes

Flexible Dieting

Your Diet, Your Way

Hit My Macros uses the Flexible Dieting method, sometimes referred to as If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM).

This method revolutionizes the way we approach dieting by proving that a successful diet plan doesn't have to eliminate the foods you love.

Our method is all about balance, giving you the freedom to enjoy your favorite "cheeky treats" while still hitting your nutritional targets and achieving your goals.

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Example of flexible dieting meal options
Why Choose Flexible Dieting?

Proven Results

Studies prove that by avoiding strict restrictions, you're more likely to stick with your diet long-term, leading to better, more sustainable results.

Holistic Approach

This method understands that dieting isn't solely about weight loss or muscle gain; it's also about finding a balance that promotes overall well-being.

Freedom and Flexibility

Enjoy social events, family dinners, and those once-in-a-while cravings without guilt. Flexible dieting makes room for life's little indulgences.

How It Works

Customize Your Meal Plan

Start by entering your custom macro and calorie goals, or use our Macro Calculator to figure them out for you based on your TDEE and lean body mass.

Add Your Treats

Our macro meal planner has a unique function that lets you include "cheeky treats" in your weekly diet, adjusting the rest of your plan to ensure you remain on track.

Get Results, Enjoy Your Life

Get a meal plan that fits your macros and your lifestyle, ensuring you can enjoy the foods you love while still achieving your dieting goals.

More Than a Diet Planner

Everything You Need in One Place

At Hit My Macros, we understand that achieving your health and fitness goals extends far beyond just meal planning. That's why we've designed our platform to be more than a diet planner; it's a comprehensive ecosystem that supports your entire journey towards a fitter, stronger, healthier you. From personalized diet meal plans to fitness and nutrition coaching, our holistic approach ensures you have all the tools you need in one place.

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All in one fitness platform and diet planner
What Else Is Included?

Accountability Coach

Stay on track with personalized guidance and support from your dedicated accountability coach.

Goal Tracking

Monitor your progress effortlessly with our intuitive goal tracking features.

Progressive Workout Plans

Achieve your fitness goals with structured, progressively challenging workout plans.

Hear From Our Community

Our testimonials speak volumes. From significant weight loss to impressive muscle gain, improved overall health, and newfound confidence, our community's success stories are a testament to the effectiveness of our holistic approach.

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Weight loss before and after transformation photos

Frequently Asked Questions

Besides being our company name, Hit My Macros is a term used by those who are interested in optimizing their nutrition and roughly know how much protein, carbs, and fats they should be eating daily but wish to know what they should be eating in order to meet (or ‘hit’) these targets. That’s where we and our automatic meal plan generator come in…

Hit My Macros starts with the end goal and works backwards so you always hit your macros. We calculate your macro and calorie targets and then automatically find all the (delicious) recipes you need to consistently stay on track. Also don’t forget we offer progressive workout plans, personal support and much more!

You can customize your diet plan to only return meals suitable for a vegan, vegetarian, or pescetarian diet.  In additional to this, the meal planner can also exclude gluten, fish, shellfish, nuts, beef, dairy, egg, and soy.

We provide the 3 key components necessary in obtaining the best results; a personalized meal plan, progressive workout plans, and guided support with a fitness and nutrition professional.

In fact, there is a 4th component too; we realize that you have a life! Which is why we pay special attention to detail, such as adapting your meal plan based on what ‘cheeky treats’ you like to enjoy each week.

We haven’t cut any corners with our product.

Although timeframes may vary from person to person, you can expect to achieve very noticeable results within 12 weeks. As well as physical transformations, we also hope to empower you with the knowledge and habits you will acquire throughout your time with us.

Our yearly membership is $79, quarterly membership is $27, and monthly membership is $15. We offer a free trial! Click the ‘Create My Plan’ button and get started now :)

For a fitter, stronger, healthier you.

Calculate your macro and calorie targets, generate a meal plan you'll love, and level-up with structured workout plans.