Female Male

Plank Rolls

How to do Plank Rolls

1. From a face-down position on the floor, place your elbows directly underneath your shoulders, keeping them bent at a 90-degree angle, with your forearms extended out ahead

2. Extend your legs out behind you, and place your feet hip-width apart

3. When ready, elevate your body into the plank position, with only your toes/balls of your feet, elbows, forearms and hands touching the floor

4. Maintain a strong, straight back with your head and neck in a neutral position and then slowly roll to one side on your feet, transferring your bodyweight to one elbow and forearm so that now only your lower elbow, forearm, and the edge of your lower foot are in contact with the floor

5. Slowly roll at your feet back into the plank position and continue to the opposing side

What muscles do Plank Rolls work?

Muscles Female

The primary muscles used in Plank Rolls are the Abs and Lower Back. The secondary muscles used are the Hip Flexors and Obliques.

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