Category: Nutrition

  • Understanding Trace Minerals: Unlock Your Potential

    Understanding Trace Minerals: Unlock Your Potential

    Read Time: 6 minutes What Are Trace Minerals and Why Are They Important? Trace minerals are essential nutrients that your body requires in small amounts to maintain optimal health and fitness. They play a critical role in numerous physiological processes, including immune function, energy production, and maintaining healthy bones and teeth. In this article, we’ll…

  • Why Am I Not Losing Weight In a Calorie Deficit

    Why Am I Not Losing Weight In a Calorie Deficit

    Why Am I Not Losing Weight In a Calorie Deficit? Why am I not losing weight Remaining in a calorie deficit over an extended period of time primarily results in a reduction in body tissue, which in turn, affects overall body weight. Now, when we discuss body tissue we’re mainly referring to muscle mass and…

  • Calorie Surplus: What is it? Does it build muscle?

    Calorie Surplus: What is it? Does it build muscle?

    Calorie Surplus: What is it? Does it build muscle? What is a calorie surplus To put it simply, a calorie surplus is when you consume more calories through your diet than you burn through maintaining bodily functions and overall activity output. As you probably already know, Calories are a type of usable energy obtained through…

  • What Is a Calorie Deficit?

    What Is a Calorie Deficit?

    Calorie Deficit: Everything you need to know What is a calorie deficit In simple terms, a calorie deficit is when you burn more calories, by maintaining bodily functions along with overall activity, than you consume, through your diet. But, what actually happens when your body is in a calorie deficit? Well, imagine pouring 250ml of…

  • What Are Micronutrients?

    What Are Micronutrients?

    Micronutrients: What are they and why are they important? What are micronutrients? Micronutrients is the term used to describe the vitamins and minerals that your body needs in very small amounts in order to function correctly. As micronutrients are not produced in your body, they must be obtained through your diet. Their importance is critical,…

  • What Are Macros?

    What Are Macros?

    What Are Macros and Why Are They Important? What are macros ‘Macros’ is short for ‘Macronutrients’, and they are the nutrients that you need to consume in large quantities in order to survive. They consist of protein, carbohydrates, and fat (you may have heard of them before!). Now, we could end this article right there…